Diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused by blood sugar imbalance; this happens when the body’s inability to effectively use or produce insulin is compromised.
Insulin helps body cells uptake glucose for energy use or storage of excess glucose.

Type 1 Diabetes – Also known as Juvenile Diabetes. It develops due to an autoimmune reaction that destroys the pancreas, affecting insulin production to little or no being released.
Type 2 Diabetes – Also known as diabetes mellitus. It happens when the body’s inability to use the glucose produced or develops resistance to insulin action, leading to high blood sugar.
Gestation Diabetes: This type develops during pregnancy in women who are not yet diabetic. To some people, it doesn’t go away even after delivery.
These symptoms often go unnoticed or undiagnosed for some time, especially if someone is prediabetic.
Studies have shown that huge percentage of people undiagnosed with diabetes are at risk of developing complications. This article is written to help share information on symptoms and signs of diabetes to make each of you aware of your body’s signal and reach out for early diagnosis to prevent progression from prediabetes to diabetes and its complications.
These symptoms include; –
- Frequent feeling thirst
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue, even during sleeping, and mood swings.
- Blurred vision
- Feeling hungry even after meals
- Slow healing of skin wounds, frequent infections
- Loss of consciousness.
- Tingling sensation on the limbs, feet, hands
- Frequent urination
- Unintentional weight loss
- Dry skin or itchy skin
- Acanthosis nigricans (skin darkening on the armpit or neck)
- Frequent infection (urinary, vaginal, yeast, groin)
- Tingling sensation, numbness, swelling of hands and feet.
- Sexual dysfunction, e.g., Loss of libido, reproductive problems, vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction.
Early detection through frequent blood sugar testing is often advised and helps decrease the risks of developing complications, especially if the disease goes untreated or undiagnosed. Good treatment, lifestyle change, and exercise will help slow the progression of complications.
Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to different complications. These include; –
- Neuropathy;- Nerve damage
There are different types of nerve damage: peripheral neuropathy affects hands and feet, the bladder, intestinal tract, genitals, spine joints, and cranial nerves involving the eyes and blood vessels.
Signs of nerve damage
- Tingling sensation on feet and hands
- Sensitivity to hot and cold
- Muscle aches, weakness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Trouble sleeping
- Constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea
- Erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness
- Changes in the sense of smell, taste
2.Skin problems
They include poor wound healing due to lowered immune function, dryness, and itchy skin. A compromised immune system makes bacteria and fungi thrive more, making it hard to get rid of them from the body.
Immune-boosting supplements can help boost your body’s ability to fight infections.
Symptoms related to skin issues include :-
Skin rash that swells and itch, acne, fungal infection, fingernails, mouth and genitals, athletic foot, dermatopathy blisters and scales on wounds, etc.
3.Eye-related diabetes symptoms
People with diabetes have a higher risk of blindness than people without it
Symptoms include: – diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and blurry vision.
Even as much as diabetes seems to be a serious condition that has severe complications, the good news is it can be managed with correct treatment and lifestyle changes. Many people have been able to reverse and manage diabetes naturally through improving diets, stress management, and engagement in physical activities; in the end, it helps prevent sugar spikes, hence healthy management.
One of the main areas to focus on in management is your diet. Treatment with herbal supplements is also necessary; it’s good to keep in mind that your diet is the determinant factor of how your sugar levels will behave. In this case, let’s look at what the diabetic diet is all about, the purpose of it, and what foods to incorporate during treatment. Please keep in mind diabetes disease is only managed with no permanent treatment; therefore, with the right diet plan, it’s possible to reverse it naturally.
What’s a diabetic diet?
It means a meal that helps one control blood sugar from spiking, lowering the risk of other health complications associated with unmanaged blood sugar, and maintaining a healthy weight.
Now that we know the purpose of a diabetic diet, we can focus on which food types are recommended for lowering blood sugar.
You should know getting a highly nutrient-dense diet is very important; focus more on how much carbohydrates one consumes since carbohydrates are the main food source that contributes to a rise in blood sugar levels.
Other than carbohydrates, we have proteins and fats that are also recommended for this type of diet.
As much as carbohydrates are advocated for, it is good to understand what types of foods are rich in carbohydrates necessary for managing blood sugar levels. Do not forget to select the right proteins and healthy fats for a diabetic person.
Here’s the list of foods you may consider during management.
Non-starchy vegetables include green leafy vegetables, e.g., Swiss chard, kales, amaranths, nightshade, cowpeas, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, cabbages, and carrots.
Healthy proteins: Include lambs, goats, beef, chicken, duck, turkey, fish, tuna, salmon, eggs, pulses, e.g., Beans, peas, lentils, quinoa, etc. Remember to go for lean meats.
Healthy Beverages- Low or skimmed dairy products or plant-based milk, e.g., Coconut milk, soya milk, almond milk, oat milk, etc.
For unsweetened drinks, consider caffeine-free drinks or water.
Good fats: They include Avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, MCT oil, and seeds, e.g., Chia seeds, flaxseeds or linseeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.
Nuts, eg. Peanuts, almonds, Brazilian nuts, pine nuts, walnuts, macadamia, cashew nuts, etc
Healthy carbohydrates- wholegrain cereals This is due to their high fiber content, which helps control high blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates have a wider variety. We have brown wheat products, oats, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, quinoa, cous cous, barley, yams, cassava, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, butternut squash, etc.
Limit consumption of carbohydrates in larger quantities since they still contribute to sugar imbalance; this means your portions should be in the right ranges. If you are trying to quantify portions but are having difficulty, you may contact our dietitians to get an individualized meal plan for your case. Click here to book an appointment.
They include cookies, candies, sweets, sugared beverages, e.g., Sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened tea, juices, etc.
Processed foods, e.g., Sausages, bacon,
High-fat dairy, e.g., Ice creams, full-fat cheese, margarine, egg yolks.