Welcome to Nourishment Herbals Kenya

Nourishment Herbals Kenya

We advocate for healthy living through natural remedies which entails herbal medicine and nutritious healthy meals that helps promote good health to people.

Our Mantra

Eat healthy, move more, live longer.

Herbal Medicine

Turn to nature and it will speak to our bodies and souls.

Nutritous Healthy Meals

Our bodies are powered by what we eat. Stay on the healthy diet


Keep fit, shade off the excess calories and wastes.

Our services

We are al about healthy living through natural remedies which entails herbal medicine and nutritious healthy meals that helps promote good health to people.

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Food Options

We have several food options for different goals complete with recipes


Natural Medication

Far from pharmaceutical drugs, we turn to nature for remedies , and we have a complete catalogue


Living Healthy

Best practices to keep you in the best shape

Appointmets/ Enquiries

Personal Enquiries / Appointments

Reach to us on +254797116760 for personal inquiries or book an appointment online.

Our Happy Clients!

Through a customized meal plan, I was able to shed off 12 Kgs in a month. Nourishment Herbals offered personalized support throughout the entire process.
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Brian Walela
Nourishment Herbals Guided me through the entire pregnancy process and after birth. I was able to maintain my shape and keep fit.
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Joyce Anufami
Coming from several health procedures , Nourishment Herbals provided the perfect natural remedies to recovery.
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Mary Syombua


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Quick Recipes

Read more about quick healthy and affordable recipes that will keep you in good shape

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Weight Management

Loose your weight from the kitchen, we provide key point analysis of foods that will work towards your weight reduction

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Cholestrol control

Is cholestrol good or bad for your body? Well thats debatable , but we give you an expert opinion

Feel free to contact us on Whatsapp,